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Authors > Bob Meehan



Bob Meehan, considered the true "Father of Drug Intervention," has been involved in the field of recovery for the over 40 years, after 14 years of his own chemical abuse. His programs of "enthusiastic recovery," and programs modeled after this philosophy, have helped nearly 100,000 families recover from the devastation of teen chemical abuse. Additionally, he has opened six hospital units and three residential programs for recovery. His experience made it necessary for him to stop long enough from helping others to write Beyond The Yellow Brick Road, because there simply was nothing else available to assist people.

After helping tens of thousands of individuals recover from chemical addiction, Bob has come to the conclusion that the main element of an addictive personality stems from a lack of self worth. Having witnessed the same problems, but with a slight spin and a lowering of the bar, over the past three decades, Bob subsequently took the time to write Bumper Stickers. This, his second book, discusses how the mind, body, and spirit work in a positive conspiracy to help people stay focused and achieve their own goals.

In a world of spins and scams, Bob's approach is fresh and down to earth, because that is where he lives. His books do not beckon the reader to buy subsequent books or tapes; they are self-contained self-treatment programs written in a conversational tone that makes them remarkably accessible. Further, Bob's books don't merely highlight problems, they offer practical solutions.

Bob currently works as a consultant to corporations and other large organizations as a lecturer and helping them with their employee assistance programs.